Sunday 7 June 2020

Maaad people every where!!!

Before the COVID-19 lock down, I was in Aba, had a heated argument with a commercial motorcyclist at Osisioma, other people supported me and asked him to give me my balance. 
The argument was in English language, the young man looked at me from head to toe, not knowing what else to say, he scratched his head, dipped hands into his pocket brought out my balance angrily and gave it to me. 
I stretched my hands and as soon as I collected the money, He said, looking at me,
"Zoo janjaweed, maaaaaad people every where", my anger evaporated, I started laughing, tried to stop him but he zoomed off. 
I repeated the words to myself, shook my head in laughter, the expression on his face when he said it made me laugh the more. 
If you no know, you no know... 